An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more

My Life

Your Practice is YOUR Practice

Posted on by Gigi in My Life, Well-Being Comments Off on Your Practice is YOUR Practice


Saturday night we attended a special 2 hour hot yoga event, the room was steamy, the reggae rhythm was bumping, the “quiet storm” perfect pitch voice our yoga teacher Scott was smoothly guiding us through the vinyasa flow. As I struggled through the poses I reminded myself that my practice is just that “my practice” my moment to be the best that I can be at  that given moment, no more no less. Within ten minutes I was in my trance, not longer worrying about if my butt looked gi-normous in chair pose, or that my back bend was pretty lame, or that annoying fat roll was appearing when I did a side bend nor that my leg was not lifted as high as the rest of the yoginis. All of those conscious thoughts disappeared as I moved through the poses, taking an occasional child’s pose when needed for a short reprise.

After about an hour or so, my emotions began to come to the surface, perhaps it was when Scott said something like “release what binds you, so you can be free” I felt my eyes as they began to fill with water, slowly releasing tears that merged with the salty sweat forming a shiny glow on my face. I continued the poses with a spurt of energy, thankful for this time, for my life, my breath and my sanity.

I realized that the key to real happiness is accepting your personal best, rather than comparing yourself to your neighbor, friend, relative, or stranger, I may not ever do a beautiful headstand in the center of the room and that is OK. In life it is easy to compare ourselves with others, but when you are able to “let it go” and accept that your personal best is good enough, you eliminate the “keeping up with the Joneses” effect or the “green eyed” jealousy and her partner envy at bay. Find contentment with your own success and growth, I can do my passion without worrying about if I will be a six figure earning photographer or if I will be famous, shooting magazine covers.

I can do “ME” without thinking about if I am meeting someone else’s expectations. I can accept my imperfections and mistakes and I can forgive and forget. Free from the judgement of others or the petty punishments inflicted, I can purpose to improve on yesterdays actions and continue to “practice” and give my best.

I practice at Purple Yoga– a fabulous studio with awesome teachers. Scott Winslow led Saturday nights class.

Namaste XOXO,


yoga class

yoga class


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#101 why I work out-OSTEOPOROSIS

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, Well-Being 2 Comments

Yes! One of the reasons I workout is for my own vanity. I know shallow…I want this 50 plus year old body to still be able to rock the fashion I like and to be able to sport a bikini occasionally and not look ridiculous on the beach. OK enough of that, two years ago I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, I was devastated at being told I had this disease I associated with “old people”. I always knew the countless benefits of working out and have been active all my life, but as we age it is even more critical to be as fit as possible, because trust me the body starts trying to break down just like an old car–the maintenance is really important.

My First Tri

My First Tri

I remember when my “no bedside manner” doctor called me on my cell, and told me that I had osteoporosis and I needed to take boniva or take a drug called reclast that is taken once a year by IV infusion. The side effects are nausea, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, risk of inflamed esophagus or ulcers, of course the thought of going from being a healthy person to now taking drugs with all these potential side effects was daunting. I felt deceived by my body, osteoporosis is typically found in frail caucasian and asian women, or those who have battled eating disorders, such as anorexia, I have never been frail, white, asian, or small boned, and I have never had an eating disorder or been one to do random “diet” fads that are so popular.






After doing a lot of my own research, I decided I could not take those drugs, especially when I read lots of information that questions the long term use of the drugs and the long term problems they can cause, but I also did not want to be a “hunchback” old lady or suffer from a broken hip in the future. So I decided to take my own approach and eat and drink as many calcium rich greens, strength train, weight train, and do yoga which some studies show promise with regular practice. I also have a weight vest that I wear when I walk or even around the house. Acupuncture is a regular part of my well being, my doctor has me taking herbs and he treats my joints. Tao of Wellness

Chair Pose

Gigi yoga

Osteoporosis– is a disease of the bones that happens when you lose too much bone, make too little bone or both. As a result, your bones become weak and may break from a minor fall. Find out more about it here. It is diagnosed by a simple bone density test, all women 50  and or those that have a history of osteoporosis should be tested.

So ladies and Gents do your WEIGHT TRAINING! And do your research and stay on top of things and of course the key words are PREVENTATIVE & LIFESTYLE

Happy Friday

gigi bikini

gigi bikini




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Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Well-Being Comments Off on GLIDE INTO THE SEASON SMOOTHLY-HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE
holiday survival

holiday survival

The holidays, why typically a time of joy for many, it can be  a time of sadness for some, whether it is your favorite Starbucks drink now being served in the signature red festive cup, or  holiday decorations in all the store windows, the season is here. It is easy to get caught up in the hype, the pressure to buy this or that, every day there is some promotion going on, first call, anniversary sale, last call, online promo etc.. Then there are the invitations or lack of invitations, the extra rich food, your workout goes cray cray, and by January everything is snug just in time for the gym promotions and New Year resolutions, it is the same cycle year after year.

No, I’m not the scrooge, I absolutely love the holidays, you just have to balance, and do what is best for you and your family, and not get overwhelmed. Stay focused and celebrate in a manner that suits your life and those that are important. Figure out what the holiday looks like for you and don’t get pulled in by what others are doing. If your family dynamics have changed, newly divorced, newly married, happily single, new baby, recent passing of a family member, kids away, different sides of your family to deal with,  etc. figure out what you want to do instead of trying to please all the parties that be…

This holiday is the first one we will not be all together. Reggie and I are going to Italy to visit Reggie ll and Amani is working in New York-so it will be a different holiday for my family.

Gigi’s Holiday Survival Guide

1. Stay healthy-make a commitment to stay on your workout program, if you are not exercising START NOW. 

2. Eat and be Merry-Have a “eating plan” to balance the extra parties, if you have an event, eat light during the day,make good choices so you won’t be sorry later.

3. Hydrate- Hydrate, especially if you indulge in libations, between the change in the weather, “heat”  and air conditioning, all of these things wreck havoc on your face.

4. Holiday Frocks- Shop your closet and see what works or can be repurposed before running out and buying another “party dress”.

5. Gifting-make some DIY gifts, ie. food items, crafts,  or giving of yourself ie. offer babysitting or prepare a meal-get creative.

6. Budget-keep an eye on the bottom line-be wary of filling up the cart at the big stores ie. Costco, Sam’s etc..

7. Decor- use what you have…many years ago I got into the trap of buying decorations every year to the tune of now having a storage that desperately needs to be emptied and shut down. I now collect a few ornaments when I travel and reuse my tried and true.

8. Kids- keep the kids grounded and have them do something to give back-voluteer at a food bank etc.

9. Create- Some special traditions for you and your family- 

10. YOU- Don’t forget to schedule your “ME” time, whether it is beauty appointments, massage, spa, special workout–just remember at this time of year it is easy to neglect your own needs..

Obligations- let some go- Do you really have to go to that? You may have to say “no” sometimes. And most of all have fun and make memories and record them with your camera-so you can look back and smile.

Happy Thursday,




"Main" Tree last year

“Main” Tree last year



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50 Things to do to have more Romance in your life

Posted on by Gigi in Thoughts, Well-Being 2 Comments
Gigi & Reggie

Gigi & Reggie

1. wear pretty lingerie-get rid of ugly t-shirts or better yet sleep in the nude.

2. wear dresses more often.

3. watch Casablanca

4. Light candles-just because, and always have a scented one too

5. walk around in these.

6. Listen to this.

7. keep a fresh rose on your night stand.

8. make your bed with pretty linens

9. make something organic and raw.

10. love yourself and the skin you are in-forget about what you weigh

11. Take a cooking class and become passionate about preparing good food.

12. take a photography workshop and learn to see the world with your lens

13. visit South Africa and go on safari

14. Stay at Four Seasons Koh  Samui

15. light a fire and snuggle up

16. write a love letter on pretty paper, scent it and mail it to your beloved

17. Go to Paris

18. Go to Italy

19. move to the beach

20. go to Brazil

21. Drive to Carmel

22. Go to Napa and stay at Auberge du Soleil

23. Take a long bath, listen to some music- keep adding warm water-and add a few candles for good measure

24. wear your favorite perfume to bed- my two favs are Tom Ford Black Orchid and Bond # 9 Nuits de Noho

25. have lunch in an outdoor cafe

26. go to the beach more often

27. go listen to some jazz in a small club

28. Go see live theater

29. Send a sexy text-maybe a picture too.

30. keep things fresh-it gets stale, only if you let it…

31. cut off all electronic devices for an evening

32. prepare a meal from scratch

33. go on a picnic with a basket and a blanket

34. Sleep in–really late

35. learn to love the sound of snoring

36. make your own floral arrangement

37. Take the scenic route

38. stop rushing

39. daydream

40.decide to embrace life and all its lushiness

41. get a massage together

42. go to Costa Rica and stay in the rainforest

43. laugh at funny you tubes

44. take a Sunday afternoon nap together

45. Write a list of all the things you love about your beloved

46. Take a dance class together

47. read love poems together

48. Always date…

49. don’t forget to smile…and always forgive.

50. remember Romance never goes out of style…

Happy Friday-make is a romantic one…



Gigi @ 54

Gigi @ 54

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Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, Uncategorized, Well-Being 2 Comments


We all have the desire to be perfect, to be our best. I have found in my years of wisdom, that you can spend so much time on the quest to be perfect that you become paralyzed. The fear of not “being good enough” is a block that can be difficult to overcome. Sometimes I question myself and think “Am I Driven?”. When I was in school I was a good student, but I was not at the top of the class, I admired the “bright” ones from afar, never with envy, for some how I knew I would be okay.

I know there are numerous photographers that are established, have been working for years in the business, I see their work, clients and sometimes I wonder will I even be half as good as some of them. Knowing that I could easily be discouraged and give up, but instead I go forward and work at being the best that I can with the knowledge that I have amassed.



With social media we are privy to others- we see their comings and goings and sometimes we can’t help but to question our own existence. It is easy to think based on postings that someone else’s life is “perfect”, instead of remembering that every one for the most part has an online image that sometimes is very different from their life at home.

With my family, I have taught my children to do their best, and don’t worry about what every one else is doing. We live in a society where our children are being tutored, coached, groomed to be the best, no longer left to chance. Parents are doing whatever to get the coveted spot at a prestigious university. I sometimes question is it really for the child… I tell my kids to follow your passion, success will come if you are passionate about your career, enjoy life, cherish your school years and think outside the box.

Gigi & Family

Gigi & Family

My son is doing his junior year of high school in Italy, he is fluent in italian now, I had a few well meaning people tell me that he should have gone to Spain and learned spanish something that he could use when he returned. My thought was he is an artist and wanted to spend time in Italy and I know this experience will be life changing for him. I am blessed that we could support his participation in the school year aboard program.



So my friends, work on being the best you can be, and don’t worry about what the next person is doing, there will always be someone better, richer, prettier, skinnier, etc. the list goes on and on. So with that I need to work on learning some photoshop- HAPPY FRIDAY!




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Posted on by Gigi in Quotes, Thoughts, Well-Being Comments Off on Quote BE HAPPY!


In my 54 years on the planet, I have let happiness guide me for the most part. Going over my life, the times when I have not let happiness guide me-those were my darkest moments. It is not the “grand” things that bring me joy, it is those little ones, the ones that we take for granted. Last week I adopted 2 adult siamese cats, I was not looking to adopt at all. It all began a about a month ago I met a woman named Jill who was in Paper Source (yes I have a paper fetish) with her lovely Roswell who was on a leash, I had never seen a cat on a leash that was as happy as this one. So of course I started chatting with Roswell’s mom Jill and she told me about an organization called Siamese Rescue that she was a member of, and how they are always looking for families to adopt and the rest is history. These two kitties bring me so much joy, I can’t even describe how these two fur balls along with my resident cat Tiny make me so happy.



My Babies...

My Babies…

I am passionate about my photography. I was always the point and shoot camera person, always giving friends pictures in the “old” days, always documenting events. I started taking classes with my departed brother 14 years ago, but did not finish the course- it was not my time, my brother however finished the program and worked as a professional photographer until his untimely death. I knew I needed to pick up the baton and continue his legacy and pursue something that I always dreamed of doing. I have become a hunter of light, always noticing how light is landing on an object, wondering what that light would look illuminating someones hair or the curve of a body forming a pretty silhouette. Being “happy” doing my craft keeps me in a state of perfecting my work, always trying to be better each session, learning everything I can and shooting every day.



When I go over my long life and I reflect on the moments when I was not happy, times when I was trying to be something I was not…trying to be what I thought others wanted me to be…those were dark moments. Moments not wasted necessarily, but times that contributed to the woman I am today. I remember feeling bad for dropping out of college, dating guys who would say crazy things like “If only you had a degree, you seem so smart” or “I really like you, but I envision myself being with a college graduate”.  It took me a long time to realize that those same guys who were putting me down had their own insecurities and putting me down somehow made them feel better. Of course years later I returned to school and finished my degree, I realized I was still the same person,  that the degree was just a piece a paper and it did not represent happiness or success.

Gigi's Graduation 2006

Gigi’s Graduation 2006

Another key to happiness is finding some source of joy in life no matter what is going on, something that brings a smile on your face. Don’t focus on the negativity, shut it down, align yourself with positivity, it may be something as simple as escaping in a good book, or taking a walk, practicing yoga- just do something. Be true to yourself and learn to LOVE who you are and all your idiosyncrasies. Remember those you judge you based on your “truth” have their own demons. You can’t change where you come from, the color of your skin, choices you have made-but none of those things have to define you, the world is out there waiting for you to make your mark to make a difference. So start today or continue-to get your HAPPY on…Enjoy your Wednesday!

My Current (yes it changes)  Top 10 HAPPY THINGS

1. Photography-speicifically shooting women 35+ and making them feel beautiful-like an A-lister

2. good gourmet vegan food-either at a restaurant or something I prepared & entertaining whether a friend for tea or a club meeting…

3. cut fragrant roses from my garden- have you noticed that store bought roses have no scent…

4. international fashion magazines & foreign films

5. korean spas-something about a strong lady wearing a black bra and panty scrubbing me until my skin is like a newborn baby

6. deeply discounted beautiful designer shoes- that can makes my heart skip a beat

7. my natural kinky curly hair – i have embraced it and all its wild ways and have never looked back to my creamy crack days

8. my 3 kitty children-their love is divine

9. travel- whether it is around the world, or to a new neighborhood

10. Friends-old and new-past and current- what would I do without my village?









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I See All My “ALL”

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 1 Comment

Many times we see what we want to see. I see me with all my shit. I see me the one who is not on facebook, instagram, pinterest, or twitter-the me that also has fears, sadness, and doubts. I’m an ordinary wife, mother, sister, daughter, and a friend to many, with the same concerns of others. Thoughts about my future, worries about my children, and of course the crazy world we live in at these challenging times are thoughts, that at times consume me.

The family

The family

For me the key is balance. Taking care of my soul, my physical self and my mental well being are important. Addressing what hurts me, praising what brings me joy, and always willing to admit when I am wrong-these are must-dos in my life.

Being selfish-taking personal time for me, meditation, yoga, nourishing my body with nutrient foods, plenty of sleep and plenty of laughter.





Basically  living as authentically as I can…helping others, encouraging, believing in someone else and “playing it forward”. Having an open mind and a “no judgement” attitude have served me well, I know sometimes it can be easy to come to some conclusion about someone, but you really don’t know where that person is coming from, what baggage they are carrying on their shoulders.

Believing in me, having faith that dreams do come true, and working hard on my goals, always knowing that with persistence good things will happen.

And lastly LOVING MYSELF on any given day, including the extra 10 pounds, and the bad hair days…

loving myself

loving myself



So my friends, reveal some of those layers and dig deep- you may be surprised at what you may find.

Happy Thursday,



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Kicking Stones…

Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, My Life, Well-Being 4 Comments
Big Stone...

Big Stone…

For me the inspiration for a post usually begins with something that I observed, read, heard, experienced or felt. Today I was thinking about milestones and how easy it is to get caught up in when certain events should happen in our lives. How you feel like a loser if you have missed some “stones” or stumbled on a few or maybe you are just starting to creep up on a one or two. There is always that someone who is doing more, has a thriving career, perfect kids, etc., but the truth is we have to accept where we are and know for whatever reason that is our plan for the moment.

For me two years ago I did not know at the ripe young age of 54, I would be launching a photography business, one where many photographers my age are well established, some world renowned, while I am just mastering really understanding my complex camera and my flashes. Instead of harping on the “I have so much catching up in my field” syndrome, it is easier for me to evaluate what I have to offer, for example I am an expert on photographing women over the age of 40, I know that demographic very well or that I bring to my business a brain that has scoured magazines for the past 40 years and so many beautiful images are permanently imprinted in my brain.

I have learned to be at peace with my life and where I am and accept that there will be adversity, and as painful as it is everyone is not going to embrace you or support your choices, some may even criticize you and ask you questions such as “Are you doing that as a hobby” or  ” really…someone going to pay you for that” and that is OK-it will make you a stronger person.

So where ever you are start jumping over those stones or better yet put on a pair of steel toed boots and start kicking them out of the way…

Happy Tuesday!



Photographer Gigi

Photographer Gigi

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Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration, Quotes, Well-Being 7 Comments

I feel as though I am playing catch up, from the weekend, the late nights are catching up with me, and it is times like this that I feel all my 54 years. Fall is here, Scandal will be back on Thursday, and there are not enough hours in the day to do all the tasks I need to do before the year ends. I have a little bit of traveling in the next few months: DC, New Orleans, NYC and Italy. I have learned to pace myself and do what I can do each day and always make time for simple pleasures, such as taking a long bath with fragrant oils, having tea ie. brewing loose tea leaves, teapot, china tea cup etc., a little piece of chocolate basically finding pleasure in something every day. Came across this quote and really like what it says, our environment and the things we choose to surround ourselves with is so important and contributes to our well being.



Love this, after 25 years of living in the same place I have accumulated a lot of items, some which are not useful or beautiful and I am slowly editing or repurposing them. I no longer have the need to hold on to everything, freeing the clutter enables me to think clearly and focus, and speaking of focus I finally have a logo for my business and I am happy to have “it” debut here:

my logo...

my logo…

Thanks to my friend Kim Jones owner of Kgrafix Creative Design, (949 500-0090) for her patience and understanding me, when I could not find the words to explain what I wanted the logo to look like.

October 1 is the perfect day to start a fall workout plan, I like to switch up what I do, to keep it interesting and challenging my body. I need to bump up my cardio so i’m looking for something fun to add to the mix, maybe revisit bootcamp. Do you like to change your workout? Or do you have a tried and true plan that you stick to?




So friends, do something pleasurable today and if needed start editing things that no longer serve you…











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Posted on by Gigi in My Life, Well-Being Comments Off on SLEEP PATTERNS
pen and pad

pen and pad


I love the quiet of the night, that magical time where all sorts of thoughts and ideas appear, and my pen and I happily transcribe to my trusty legal pad. Yes, I’m old school I love a pen in hand and seeing words on paper, it’s sort of like an electronic reader vs book, I have both but there are times when I want to curl up with a book instead of an electronic device. My husband on the other hand can barely  stay up and watch the news, but 4AM he is up and running a 10 miler, or at the gym, or working out with his trainer and I on the other hand am just turning in at 3AM. Considering I don’t have a”place” to be in the morning since I work at home, I catch up sleeping in a bit, but of course the phone starts ringing around 8 and I am the master of answering as though I was wide awake and then quietly falling back into a deep sleep sometimes not remembering who I spoke to.


So the other day i read a piece on the Habits of Supremely Happy People, on the huffington Post and one of the habits was getting plenty of sleep, so I decided I’m going to rewire my brain, and go to bed early and wake up at dawn and start my day, and still have that quiet time that I love. The following are the other items that “contribute” to “supreme” happiness-this list is dead on…

1. Surround themselves with happy people–check. Nothing will take you down quicker than others who are negative, I find that my nature is to “fix” people, but sometimes you have to pull away.

Housewives of ASPEN

Housewives of ASPEN

2. Smile when they mean it–check. A smile is a cure all.



3.Cultivate resilience–check. Keep trying, keep doing, never give up on your dreams.



4. Try to be happy–check. There are some people you purpose to be mad, I don’t get it.

5. Appreciate simple pleasures–check. Smelling a rose as I leave my house can make my day.

love these roses

love these roses

6. Devote time to giving–check. Always giving something to someone, trying to make a difference.

7. Lose track of time–check. I’m an expert at this one.

8. Nix the small talk for deeper conversation–check. You have to go there, dig deeper.

9. Spend money on other people–check. Yept.

10. Make a point to listen–check. It is amazing how many people don’t do this one.

11. Look on the bright side–check. Yes, there always is a bright side to everything no matter how bad it seems.


12. Value a good mixtape–check. I LOVE MAKING MIXED CD’S- another part of my sleep problem. Music is so important to me…

13. UNPLUG–Gotta work on this one ie. leave the phone at home sometimes, have rules.

14. Get Spiritual–check

15. Exercise–check. no brainer



16. Sleep– Working on this one

17. Laugh–check. I always find the humor in everything…

and lastly

18.Walk the Walk–check. The old “pep in your step” is true…

Walk the Walk

Walk the Walk

So my friends what are your thoughts? Anything missing? Anything to add? Spread some happiness as you go about your day today.



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