An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more


What are your favorite things about yourself?

Posted on by Gigi in My Life 1 Comment

Gigi photographer

Have you ever noticed, myself included how when someone gives you a compliment you downplay the compliment as a way not to seem full of yourself? Why is that?

Do you have conversations like this:

Friend- “You look really good, you lost weight!”

Me- “No Way, I’m at an all time high hahahaha.”


Friend- “Your curls are jamming!”

Me- “No, look at this part right here, it is all dry.”


Friend- “I love your shoes!”

Me- “These old things…”


Friend- “Your makeup looks good”

Me- “Oh no, I have on a ton of concealer on , see look at all this discoloration…”

So I started thinking about this, not accepting compliments, especially  genuine ones. We all know the other kind like…

Friend- “Oh my goodness, you have lost a TON of weight- What did you do?”


Friend- “Do you ever get your hair DONE?”


Friend- “You should really look into BOTOX, it would take years off you!”

So I’m going to take a moment to share what I love about myself, no apologies.

  1. I love that I have embraced my natural hair and after many hours and numerous concoctions later, I have it down.

    Gigi January 2016

  2. I’m proud that I have reinvented myself and that I am pursuing my passion- photography.


3. I love that I am an open book and that the older I get the more authentic I am…4. I love that I always look for the good in every situation and everyone.

5. I love meeting new people.

What do you love about yourself? Are you a good friend? A great parent? Are you a natural athlete ?  This is your time to share… I’d love to know.



Relationship Goals

Posted on by Gigi in My Life Comments Off on Relationship Goals
Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs.

I will be celebrating 27 years of marriage in a few weeks, add in the 2 years we dated that brings us to 29 years- a long time! More than half of my life. While no relationship is perfect- and if it were I think that would be quite boring. I was thinking about what makes my relationship rock? Here are a few things I came up with.

1. I know this seems like a no brainer, but we still sleep together in the same bed, same room. Not always the case. The other day a guy was sharing with me some doggie drama that now because of it his wife sleeps in another room with one of the puppies.

2. Don’t hold grudges. Speak your mind, have disagreements  and move on. Oh and COMMUNICATE! The quiet BS does not work if anything it just builds resentment.

3. Your spouse should be your best friend- the one you want to share stuff with- the good the bad and the ugly. The person you can share your fears with, the one that will not judge you- the one that understands you-

4. Treat your spouse with respect. Adore him. Adore her. Continue to give compliments to one another.

5. Do and try new things together. Travel. Bottom line continue to date, don’t let your kids, work etc. stop you from having private time together.

6. Always have some interests of your own- Continue to grow as an individual.

7. Remember why you fell in LOVE…

Happy Friday- What are your plans for the weekend? I will be working, but my Sunday will end at the Hollywood Bowl one of my favorite summer venues.

Happy Friday!



Our villa in Ubud

Our villa in Ubud

Your Presence

Posted on by Gigi in American Life 1 Comment

Your presence is a gift. We live in a world where everything is fast, slow is sometimes considered old and boring. Everyone is walking around with earphones, ear pieces, and smart phones have become a new body part. I know because I am guilty of all the above. All these gadgets were supposed to make our lives easier, but instead it has interfered with our human interaction. With all the social media, that we can easily access on our phones and be entertained, who has time to interact with the person next to you? And oh let’s not forget we all have 1000’s of friends now, but we still yearn for someone to be present, in the moment with us. We want to hear a voice, not read a cryptic text, that many times is misunderstood and usually in a bad way.

I’m old enough to remember BC…before cell phones and PC’s for that matter. Those were the days when you had to meet in person and you were fully engaged, because you had no distractions. You had dinner with your family and you chatted, you didn’t have bells, songs, chimes going off non-stop, alerting you of something perhaps a little more interesting than the person in front of you.

While driving you talked with your kids not on your cellphone to your girlfriend about “nothing”. Meetings took place in person, not via skype or on conference calls, you actually met with a person and went over things together. I know technology is supposed to make our lives more efficient, but my question is why are we busier than ever? Never able to complete tasks, always behind…why is “busy” perceived as important?

With my business I spend a lot of time online, to much time, I get sidetracked on “facecrack”, instagram, checking in on twitter, spending time alone engaging as my online persona, time that could be spent gracing someone with my presence. I’ve decided I’m going to take “busy” down a bit, and focus on my presence, make time to engage, unplug…I want to see a face, hear a voice, observe a glance, I don’t want to guess what 5 or 6 words accented by a happy face really mean.

So today take a moment and give someone the gift of your presence.

Happy Tuesday.







Posted on by Gigi in Quotes Comments Off on Quote


I connected with this quote. It is easy to focus on yesterday and the day before, especially if it is something negative, I have been guilty of this on many occasions. Does it really help? No. If anything those feelings come up to the surface again and put a damper on the current day. Each day is opportunity to embrace something new, go forward and keep it moving. Spending time on yesterday takes away from new experiences and memories you could be creating. Of course it is okay to share something the key is to know when to let it go. I’m still learning this…

On another note I read about something that uber is doing today in Los Angeles…puppy bowl. Sponsored by Animal Planet  every year around the same time as the Super Bowl, Uber and Animal Planet coordinated to provide the puppies, most which are available for adoption from local animal shelters. Between the hours of 11 and 3 you can order a uber to come to your office and bring puppies for you and your staff to play with for 15 minutes. The cost is 30.00 which goes to the local animal shelters. If I had an office in LA I know what I would be doing this afternoon…

Happy Wednesday,




Is Marriage Forever?

Posted on by Gigi in Weddings 2 Comments

A month ago we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, definitely a milestone for us. This past weekend my in-laws celebrated their 90th birthdays and 71 years of marriage.

Mom & Dad Sampson 90 years young...

Mom & Dad Sampson
90 years young…

When my mother-n-law was my age they had already be married 36 years! We’re at an age where we are now going to weddings of our friends children, while at the same time many long term marriages are dissolving.

Kyndall & James

Kyndall & James

lovely couple

lovely couple (our friend’s daughter)

My in-laws got married when they were 19, when I think about my early relationships I know I would have had a least 1 maybe 2 divorces under my belt by now. Being a late bloomer, I had no clue what I even wanted in a relationship or partner, but somehow I knew that some of the choices I had made were wrong on so many different levels. At 30 I was certainly not the 20 something year old going in a million different directions, being the “pleaser” in one sided relationships. I had gained the confidence to know I was a “prize” and did not have to settle, just because…

Doing the math I don’t think we will be around to celebrate 70 years, but I will embrace each day like it is our last.

Gigi & Reggie

Gigi & Reggie 25 years anniversary

I was in awe of my in-laws and their lasting love–something that is becoming so rare. Check out this short clip of my father-n-law’s tribute to his wife.

Marriage like any other relationships take work, you have to be an active participant and make things happen. You and your partner have to be willing to change and grow and continue to accept one another, be honest, and most of all be willing to forgive. Any one who has been married a long time has experienced “rough patches”, but the key is being able smooth them out. You have to understand who this person is you married…and not try and transform them to who you didn’t marry. You have to know what is worth fighting about and when to just “shut up”.

For example I LOVE to TRAVEL, if I were to wait on my husband to plan a trip we would not go anywhere, but since I know that I make sure I am proactive and plan things. I did not marry the person who is going to surprise me and whisk me away to an exotic location, and that is okay.

Patera Elephant Farm

Patera Elephant Farm

I also know that some marriages end. Some are impossible, just BIG mistakes. I came from a broken family and now that I am an adult, I see clearly why my parents could have never stayed married–sad but true. I am grateful that my mom was able to relocate with 4 kids to California and start a new life.

My mother and father early 1960's

My mother and father early 1960’s

Every marriage is different and each one has a different formula to keep it going. My humble advice is to always work on “self” being the best “you”, stay “market” ready, be interesting and continue to grow, be in tune with your partner, keep it “sexy”, know that it is okay if you give more sometimes and lastly always make time for each other.

Have a wonderful weekend, we will be heading to Temecula for a wedding (daughter of one of our dear friends).




I HAVE OVER 1,000 Friends…

Posted on by Gigi in friendship 2 Comments


I have over 1.000 friends…Really? Wow? No Shit?

On the eve of my 25th wedding anniversary, I thought about how fortunate I am to wake up with my best friend. We celebrated a 27 year friendship, we dated 2 years before getting married. 27 years is a true test of friendship, you know the good the bad and the UGLY…it has all come out at some point.

In this age of social media it is easy to confuse what real friendships are…we are able to connect with “friends” all over the world, People from grade school, college, old boyfriends, distant relatives etc.. We can peek into their lives, and start to feel as if we really know them.

I’m a people person, I love interacting with others, chatting and finding out commonalities. Bringing people together is something I love to do, whether it is for book club, a ski trip, spa weekend  hike, or just because, I enjoy connecting people. At the end of the day though, you have to ask yourself the question if you were in a bind who could you really call on? Since I’ve hit my 50’s I feel as though I am going through an enlightenment period, I crave relationships that are not “work”, that flow and uplift- it is difficult to be a mindreader, I need transparent relationships. In my 30’s and 40’s I was tolerant and a really good chameleon, I thought I had a lot of friends, but in actuality I did not, I was just good at being whatever I thought a particular “friend” wanted me to be…

So I came up with this list of questions to determine some of the basic criteria of a friendship.

1. Do you know where your friend lives? Sounds crazy but, I once had a “friend” and to this day I don’t know where they live.

2. Have you been to their house? Inside?

3. Could you tell your friend “anything” or do you have to sensor?

4. Can you make a mistake and be forgiven?

5, Can you be yourself without judgement? Or do you have to “fake the funk”?

6. Can you share you deepest darkest secrets?

7. Can you call this friend anytime?

8. Do they have your “back”?

9. Are they “loyal”?

10. Will they tell you the truth?

If you answered “No” to most of these questions these peeps more than likely are not friends. If you were having your last meal on the planet and you could have a dinner party with 4 guests, who would your select? And why? Something to think about…oh and none of the 4 can be family members…

Most of us have loads of acquaintances, workout buds, club members, co-workers, church members, neighbors etc. that we interact with on a regular basis, and then there are our social media friends…which I love btw, my social media friends are a virtual village, a status update about anything will get a response or some information or a referral or perhaps a simple prayer for whatever your current situation.

As I get older (I’m about to break the speed limit) I realize the importance of genuine friendships. You are fortunate if you have a couple of “real” friends, and just because you have know someone 20 plus years, it does not necessarily mean that person is a close friend. As I break the speed limit “55” I will continue work on self, being who I am, addressing my flaws and being the best friend I can be…

Happy Thursday






25 Tips for a Happy Marriage

Posted on by Gigi in My Life 6 Comments
Wedding Day july 23, 1989 1 week before 30

Wedding Day july 23, 1989 Kauai

25 years ago I said “I Do” to my soulmate for life. We have been through a lot together, I have experienced the happiest moments in my life with this man, and some of the saddest, birthed 2 children, traveled around the world, ran 4 marathons, 1 triathlon, biked around the big island of Hawaii, baked more brownies than I care to remember, raised a few furry children, got involved in a pyramid scheme, made money , lost money, turned vegan and shared lots of laughs together.

25 years later July 23, 2014

25 years later July 23, 2014


As I reflect on the past 25 years, I thought about why am I still crazy about this man? I came up with my list  of 25 tips for a happy marriage. I’m not an expert, but these are things that have worked for us.

Not in any particular order:


# 2. Live YOUR version of a “Love Story”.

# 3. Love yourself, but don’t be Selfish.

Hubby Reggie

Hubby Reggie

# 4. Make your OWN family traditions…Love your extended families, but establish a few rituals of your own.

# 5. Evolve and “be a creature like no other” embrace your own changes as well as your partner’s- being stagnant is not interesting or attractive.

# 6. Prepare “real” food with all your heart and soul. There is something sensuous about preparing food for your lover.

Reggie & Gigi

Reggie & Gigi

# 7. Always DATE- It is easy to get into a rut, but make it happen, get a sitter, do whatever you have to do in order to spend time as a couple.

# 8. Commit to the journey, the ride may will get rocky, but HOLD ON!!!

Gigi & Reggie

Gigi & Reggie

# 9. Have FAITH and BELIEVE in something.

# 10. Nurture your family ie. your children, but don’t forget each other.

# 11. Work at your marriage and the magic will happen- No Work No Magic.

I would say yes again...

I would say yes again…

# 12. Prioritize – What is really important? Don’t get it twisted…

# 13. Remember ROMANCE CAN LAST…don’t pay attention to the cynics, non-believers and those that are bitter.

# 14. Indulge each other in WHATEVER -at least sometimes.


Have Fun pretend to get married again …

# 15. Celebrate each other…birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s or just because.

#16. Be in “touch” and communicate-be available for one another-don’t be elusive- and TOUCH each other…


love this one

love this one

# 18. Travel near and far, especially places where you don’t speak the language, get out and explore this world we live in.

#19.  Make your house a home- create a comforting space  that you both look forward to.

# 20. Be desirable for each other- be the best version of “you”, look pretty, smell fresh, take care of your body, groom yourself, wear pretty lingerie or not…

Love this man

Love this man

# 21. CARE for each other…Be there when your mate is down, physically, mentally, financially…just be there.

# 22. Learn to savor moments–the older I get, the more I know that tomorrow is not promised.

# 23. Don’t let things get old and tired–literally and figuratively — you are in control.



# 24. Laugh, Laugh and LAUGH–Don’t be so serious.

# 25. Eat Love, Drink Love, Live Love, and most of all MAKE LOVE!



Here is a behind the scene video of my anniversary  photo shoot that my talented son surprised me with…

As I celebrate my Silver Anniversary–I wish all you much love…







Posted on by Gigi in American Life, Family, My Life 3 Comments


Gigi & Mom

Gigi & Mom



My mom will celebrate her 84th birthday on October 16th, it seems like yesterday she was a “young” woman, so different from the thin framed, white-haired lady she is today. Riverside a suburb about 45 minutes from my home is my mother’s hub, We moved there in 1977, the year I graduated from high school.

Unlike me, my mom can count the times on one hand that she has had a professional mani & pedi, she has NEVER colored her hair, obviously I can’t say the same, and I could just about own a nail shop after 30 years of appointments. She prides herself on still being able to fit all her clothes from yesteryear, proud of never being “FAT”. Reminding my sisters and I that she wore her regular clothes six weeks after giving birth.

Her favorite and only travel destination is Hawaii; Europe, Africa, Asia will have to wait to another lifetime. Most restaurants she does not like, always finding something wrong with the food, preferring her own cooking and her american folgers coffee, no cappuccinos for her. Entertaining and preparing food for large groups is her second nature, always finding a reason to have a house full, extending invitations to everyone.

I will celebrate 25 years of marriage next year, I remember vividly when my mom divorced my father in 1968 before “divorce” was fashionable. At 38, with four children in tow, ranging in ages 2-16 she moved cross country from New Jersey to Compton California, with a small savings to start a “new’ life. I was 8, and have no memory of life being difficult, she enrolled me in St. Albert a local catholic school, although on occasion I do recall being called to the office because my mom did not pay the tuition, but I certainly was not the only one. She worked numerous jobs, including being a housekeeper in Brentwood, Westwood, Palos Verdes, etc., I remember going with her sometimes wanting to help at my little age, marveling at these estates saying to myself that one day I too was going to have a big house, as I quietly observed these women giving my mom instruction “Peggy, please don’t forget to do this or that”.

Determination is what I grew up watching, seeing a mother never give up at wanting to provide a life for her children. At 40, four kids and all, she married again and had another baby, way before it was vogue to be 40+ and pregnant. She returned to school in her late 50’s and went on to complete her masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling at the young age of 64. At 83 she is still ripping and running with the next generation, always at games, dance recitals, etc. never missing any milestones for the grandchildren. She discovered yoga in recent years and does not let anything interfere with her “zen” or her water aerobics.

Whenever I  think about something being to hard or difficult, I just think about my mother’s story and keep it moving…

Happy Wednesday



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Father’s Day

Posted on by Gigi in Fathers 7 Comments


At first I was going to post about gifts and such for Father’s Day, but then I said to myself what does Father’s Day really mean to me? Growing up Father’s Day, was a complicated holiday. My parents divorced when I was nine-years old, just old enough to really know my father-“Daddy”, not the husband my mother was divorcing, but the dad who one day brought a kitten home to me, or the dad who taught me how to eat clams on the half shell and the daddy who took me to Coney Island.

My mother and father early 60's

My mother and father early 60’s

My mother moved to California after the divorce and started a new life in the land of palm trees and Disneyland. She met her second husband a nice man by the name of Mr. Mckay. He married my mom and accepted her large package of four children, bless his soul. He was a kind man, and did the best job he could raising this “new” family along with his own family of four children and the baby girl, Angel, that he and mom had together. Back then divorce was not as common, I remember being embarrassed about having a different last name from my mother, not that anybody ever asked me about why our names were different.

I did not see my father again until I was 21, I never forgot him and I politely refused to call Mr. Mckay “Daddy”, although he was the only father figure in my life. I remember other family members encouraging me to call my stepfather “Daddy” and for some reason I felt as a child, if I did that would totally end the memory of my father. I never talked to my father on the phone, don’t even know if he ever called, he did not write me letters, but something  inside of me kept an imprint of him, that would not let me forget like a little eternal flame.

When Father’s Day came around I gave Mr. Mckay a card and small gift, but I always envied my friends who had their natural fathers. In my child like mind I always thought that was better, even though Mr. Mckay did everything the other fathers did and some.

When I was in college, I was part of a theater group, that one year traveled back east for a competition in Virginia, and unbeknownst to me my mother contacted my father and told him that I was going to be in Virginia and he surprised me. It was an awkward reunion, my father was so happy to see me, but for me now 21, I wanted to ask the hard questions, of “Why did you not call or write me?” all those years. I had mixed emotion at that reunion, my yearning had somehow turned to anger. All of my college friends liked my dad, he was this bohemian cool guy, that the “nine-year-old” me did not remember.

Many years past until I would see my father again, after I was married and had Amani, Reggie said that he wanted to meet the other side of my family. We went east and “met” my dad and at that time  I developed a relationship with him, still never addressing the painful gaps in my life. It was interesting to discover all the things we had in common, like him I have an uncanny sense of direction, we are both entrepreneurs, love creating food, collecting things and reading books. A few years later I lost my dad to cancer a few months after my son was born, I am happy that I finally had closure with my father and was able to spend  time together and that he got to know Amani and I met my sister Liz and renewed relationships with other east coast family members.

Safari Family

Safari Family

In my family Father’s Day is always celebrated, usually with a nice brunch and we shower Reggie with little trinkets. I am happy and blessed that my kids have their father and I never take it for granted. Honor the fathers in your life this weekend.





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Posted on by Gigi in Inspiration 4 Comments




I’ve been recreating myself for 50 or so years. Sometimes I think about what would my life had been like if I had chosen a more traditional career path- one in which I would be around the corner from retirement.

I bounced all over the place, from IBM to peddling Chocolate brownies, I have worked retail, at a nudest colony, taught aerobics, and dabbled in Interior design a bit. Now reinventing myself as a photographer, a newbie learning the craft simultaneously, my past skills only being the master of my little point and shoot camera. At times it is daunting, the thought of starting something that most photographers my age have been doing for 25 + years.

Gigi photographer

Gigi photographer

I have learned in my years on this planet that it is more important to a least attempt to try something you are passionate about, than to wake up one day and wonder WTF where did my life go and what have I done that I was excited about.


Reinvention is important for all aspects of your life, not just the career piece, staleness can set in your relationship, marriage, work outs, image, and there is nothing attractive about being dull. While it is easy to be a “creature of habit” we all are guilty of that at times, it is not that difficult to keep things fresh and interesting.

WAYS TO REINVENT YOURSELF–most of these I have done numerous times…Reinvention is a way of life for me!

1. Change your diet-side bonus you will reap all sorts of benefits–I was raised on the standard american diet and have gone full circle ending up vegan.

Sexy vegan food

Sexy vegan food

2. If you have been wearing the same “hair do” for the past 15 or so years it is time to change it up–I’ve been long dark & straight, asymmetrical bob, and currently natural curly and light.

long dark hair

long dark hair

3. If your relationship/marriage is becoming “routine” FIX IT FAST be creative do some of the things you did in the beginning, continue to date and do new things with your partner.

 Reggie & Gigi

Reggie & Gigi

4. Switch up your workout- or bodies get used to a workout and you have to shock it by doing something else, especially if you are trying to lose weight. I have done everything from spinning, to pole dancing, yoga, zumba, pilates, swimming, boot camp, and I am always willing to try the next “thing”.

love yoga

love yoga

5. Do something you have always wanted to do-ie. sky dive, marathon, triathlon, travel, move, whatever it is make and plan and make it happen.

My First Tri

My First Tri

6. Learn something new, a language, cooking class, art class, the point is challenge yourself.

7. Freshen up your image, sometimes just doing something different with your exterior self will get the ball rolling.

8. Don’t be afraid–just DO IT.

Gigi the Dominatrix

Gigi the Dominatrix

Start this weekend…Happy Friday Everyone!





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