An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more


Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Party, Recipes, Thoughts Comments Off on WELCOME 2013!

Unknown-20Happy New Year, Everybody!

The past year had some exciting moments, as well as a few setbacks. I am welcoming 2013 with open arms. For many the New Year is a time for renewal, a chance to start over. I think about all the things that have happened this past year, my daughter graduated from college, the start of Gigi’s Meanderings, our family trip to South Africa, a few of the highlights. 2012 also had a few challenges, my breast cancer scare and helping my daughter relocate to New York City.

While I’m not a resolution kind of girl, I do like to embrace a theme for the New Year. My theme for 2013 is “Making each day count”. What this looks like to me: Taking time daily for simple rituals that enrich my life and the lives of my family and friends. We live in a society where everything is rushed, between texting, emails, facebook, instagram etc. we are getting away from traditional forms of communication. We have hundreds of facebook friends, but when was the last time you had tea with a friend, just because? Spent a few hours with a friend doing nothing? Pulled off the road to take advantage of watching a beautiful sunset? I will be sharing these moments with you and hopefully you will share with me and we can keep each other inspired and reminded to make each day count by doing something simple to enrich your day.

I celebrated NYE with good friends,lots of delectable tidbits and chilled flutes of bubbly. 9-ish my guests began arriving armed with beautiful desserts and savory appetizers, we had everything from black eyed pea soup to spinach balls. I made my favorite salad inspired from one I used to order from Marston’s in Pasadena. It is always a crowd favorite.

Gigi’s Marstons salad

spring mix salad greens, mandarin oranges, green apples cut into cubes, avocado cut into cubes, green onion, candied pecans, golden raisins, (optional feta cheese) toss with a poppy seed dressing.

I made tiares for all the ladies, should have took pictures of these, they were adorable. We toasted, listened to my mix and conversed and welcomed in the New Year. I love entertaining at home, and plan to do more little gatherings this year.

I look forward to blogging 2013 and sharing my thoughts and discoveries on living a rich fulfilling life.



As promised a few pics from NYE.

Gigi & Molly

Gigi & Molly

The Ladies

The Ladies





The Fellows

The Fellows




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Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Party 2 Comments

Love this Nancy Wilson song.

When I was younger I used to celebrate New Year Eve’s at venues with outrageous cover charges and lots of strange people. During the phase when the kids were little we did celebrations at home with other families, since securing a babysitter on New Year’s Eve was always a challenge. Once the kids were older we would sometimes go to a favorite restaurant and have a “special New Eve’s” dinner and come home in time to watch the ball drop and go to bed. This year I decided to have a small gathering with local friends who also were not doing anything.  A variety of hors d’ oeuvres, petite desserts, lots of bubbly, music, and good company are the ingredients for the evening.

my online invite

my online invite

I did an “evite” from Paperless Post–Love them! The evites are so unique and have a little flair. Normally I am an “old school” invitation kinda girl, but these I like.


Love this. I need to take down all my Christmas Decorations and come up with something for New Year’s Eve. Love the sparkly drink stir things.

pretty champagne bar

pretty champagne bar


cute top

cute top

I would rock this with some jeans and a cute strappy high sandal.

Some fun New Year Eve Table decor check it out here.

A few more ideas I found looking around on the web.

Original_TomKat-Studio-New-Years-Eve-Slide-1-Overall-Party_s4x3_lg Original_TomKat-Studio-New-Years-Eve-Slide-4-Tassel-Garland_s3x4_lg Original_TomKat-Studio-New-Years-Eve-Slide-11-Peach-Sparkler_s3x4_lg Original_TomKat-Studio-New-Years-Eve-Slide-12-Appetizer-Spread_s3x4_lg

Well I have a lot of work to do to pull this together for Monday! So with that I’m going to get busy. I promise to post pictures.















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Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Uncategorized Comments Off on CHRISTMAS EVE
"Main" Tree

“Main” Tree                                            

My family and I will spend Christmas Eve and Christmas quietly together. It is my favorite time of year, I love creating memories, which now have now become traditions. On Christmas Eve we make a trek to the westside for last minute shopping and or looking and then we have dinner together. Christmas morning I make brunch and we exchange our gifts and later on we drive to Riverside to my mom’s and have dinner with my extended family. May you have a glorious day with your family.

Merry Christmas!




Posted on by Gigi in Holiday, Well-Being 2 Comments


The holidays can wreck havoc on your body. With all the parties it is easy to over indulge on treats and to many sweets, and workouts can suffer due to shopping and social engagements. The next thing you know is that January comes around and everything is a little snug and you go in to “New Years” resolution mode, signing up for new gym memberships, another trainer and of course some sort of new diet. Why not follow a few simple steps and glide through the holidays like santa this season?

1. Watch The Sugar

eggnog 400 cal per cup

Sorry, eggnog and sugary desserts are not your friend. Maybe limit yourself to Christmas day or Eve and only have something really extraordinary. Skip the Costco stuff…splurge on something homemade if you are going to have something- like grandma’s sweet potato pie.

2. Blame it on the Alcohol

holiday drink


If you partake use moderation and balance with lots of water, between the empty calories and the water retention the next day…you really have to be careful. Sip on one or two drinks the entire evening and have sparkling water and cranberry juice with lime in between or just plain water.

3. Workout through the holidays do NOT forfeit  your WORKOUTS 


It is so easy to skip workout this time of year, you may have guests staying with you, or shopping that  interferes with your gym time. Even if you have to modify your plan do something at least 30 minutes daily. You will feel so much better!

4. Think about what you are plopping in your MOUTH


Make wise choices. You can do a lot of damage standing and indiscriminately plopping things into your mouth. Wear something fitted so you will be reminded and balance your selections with some veggies.

5. Chocolates –you know the  kind-the ones in the nice gift boxes


Just regift and give them to your nice post-person or the dry cleaner person–do not open. You don’t want to have a few boxes under your “belt” this season.

6. Eat at HOME


Eat something sensible before you go out, you will be full and less likely to over indulge.

7. Make time to JUICE

love green smoothies

Juicing and veggie based smoothies are a perfect way to make sure you are giving your body good nutrition to make it through the season.



Get your 8 hours every night! This is really important, there are studies that link lack of sleep to weight gain.

9. “YOU” TIME 


Make time for a massage or a moment at the spa, use that gift certificate that you have been saving. This is the perfect time to take a break for you.



Smile and have a good attitude, it’s only a few weeks…

Wishing you a fabulous holiday season!




Posted on by Gigi in Thoughts 2 Comments

“There is a saying in Tibetan, “Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.” No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.”

Dalai Lama XIV

I am haunted by the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre of all those innocent babies. It seems disrespectful to post about more holiday cheer today, when so many are grieving and will experience the worse Christmas ever. The loss of a child, especially to violence is something I cannot even imagine. My 81 year-old- mother still has not gotten over the death of my brother who passed away three years ago, no parent should have to go through this unnatural loss. Those of us that are parents do not send our children to school thinking that there is a possibility that a shooting may take place.

I question who are we becoming as a nation? Based on the events of the past year this craziness can happen anywhere, the movies, mall, churches and now kindergarten. I wish I knew a solution to this madness. Mental illness is a legitimate disease, yet so many people don’t want to acknowledge it, do to the stigma attached. I have a few numerous friends and family members that refuse to treat and recognize that their loved ones are battling mental illness. Their attitude is sweep it under the rug and perhaps it will go away, or so and so does so well in school, no way she could have any problem, or sometimes I hear “so and so is  “crazy”, or he has a “drinking” problem that’s all, or so and so sleeps all day, I could go on and on with the excuses I hear, anything but this person needs help.

We are a society that is so concerned with what others think, so much so that we would rather hide like cowards than face the truth for fear of judgement by others, who btw probably have a shit load of madness ready to fall out of the closet. We don’t want others to know where we grew up (Compton), where we went to school (UCR dropped kicked out and then went back class of 2006), we don’t want people to come over for fear of “house” judgement, we are constantly trying to be something else other than ourselves.

We cannot help the genetic card our children were dealt, but we as parents have a responsibility to be brave enough to get them the necessary help.

And this gun thing…WTF who needs semi-assault high-powered rifle?

My thoughts and prayers are with these heartbroken families in Newtown.



President Obama

Holiday Party Weekend

Posted on by Gigi in Holiday 2 Comments


This year I focused on all of my red ornaments for this tree which is in my entry way. I try and do something different every year to keep it interesting.

Close up

I’m always looking for ornaments with African-Americans to add to my collection. I found this ballet dancer last year on clearance at Macy’s.

 I’m doing closet shopping for a weekend of festive celebrations. While it is nice to shop for a special outfit, I find it more rewarding to shop my closet and reinvent something from the past. Also since I am the consummate bargain shopper, most of the things I buy are out of season, I may have a party dress that I picked up last year for little of nothing hanging in the closet ready for “its” debut.

Tonight is my Jack and Jill holiday party, Saturday morning my workout group “fifty days to fitness” hike, Saturday evening Reggie’s fraternity Black tie holiday celebration, Sunday afternoon “girls” brunch, and Sunday evening, a tree trimming party. Needless to say, I’m excited about the weekend and I’m looking forward to reconnecting and celebrating with friends. What are your holiday plans? I hope your holidays are going smooth and you are making time for yourself.



South Africa and Stars

I like to mix my holiday with my existing decor–I got this tall “lady” on my South Africa trip. This picture does not do her justice.

Blue Tree

This tree is in the family tree, for this one I did a “blue” theme. I’m so glad that my local Home Depot had really nice trees for a good price. Over the years I have accumulated so many ornaments so it is never a problem decorating a few trees.

blue close up

Every ornament has a story, this Obama ornament was picked up on my son’s 8th grade east coast trip, I remember it was the last one-so happy it has a home on my tree.

piano angel

I love this “Angel” she is so delicate…I’m surprised I still have her, every year somebody knocks her down and a little piece of her is chipped–no matter where I put her.

South Africa Angels

These angels are hand made in South Africa, we visited a craft center where all these beaded items are made–amazing.

Table Dressing

Once again the juxtaposition of Kuba cloth and crystal.

Happy Weekend






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Gigi’s Meanderings Around the Web #6

Posted on by Gigi in Web 2 Comments

Just a Little of This and That…

I found this to be interesting–Plus-Size Lingerie Photo Shoot. Is this Plus Size? Really?

Love this! Spent a lot of time taking classes at UCLA Interior Design Program, can relate to this big time.

I have always loved fashion magazines. I grew up marveling at Beverly Johnson and Iman on the glossy pages of Vogue, Glamour, Harpers etc. I love seeing how they have both are representing in their 50’s. I too like Iman still love my heels…just her out on this clip.

After organizing my holiday decorations from last years haphazard packing…I am looking for any tips to help me avoid this problem next year. Storing lights in a ball.

I need one of these. I was reading about how hard dry cleaning is on clothes.

This is a nice gift for the special guys on your list.

Man Can 49.95

Get it here.

How cute is this. I miss taking my kids to the zoo.

I want one of these too.

handset phone 30.

Available at Nordstrom.

Found this interesting, Reggie is an opthamologist and he is always sharing with me how much you can tell about a person’s state of being by looking into their eyes.

Well I need to finish my holiday decor so enjoy your Thursday.

A Little Peek At My Holiday Cheer










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Posted on by Gigi in Holiday Comments Off on TIS THE SEASON


Yes I missed my posting yesterday, worked most of the day on decorating and still not finished! It is the season! Around this time I always get that “rushed” feeling, like there is not enough hours in the day to complete all the holiday tasks. I am still decorating, my house looks a mess, partly do to the way I took down my decorations last year. My husband’s birthday is January 7, and last year we traveled to St. Lucia and I packed everything away haphazardly and I am paying for it now.

Growing up we always got our tree on Christmas Eve, many years later when I was an adult I found out the reason-trees were “free” at that point. We would rush and decorate the tree together with our same ornaments and tinsel. Now I like to get our tree early, not day after Thanksgiving early, but first week of December. Whenever I travel I like to collect ornaments, to remind me of time spent at that place, so my ornament collection is always growing. I like to get one main tree and a few smaller trees so my decorating takes me a few days. Now that our kids are older, I’m thinking about perhaps scaling back on some of the holiday cheer, but my 16 year-old to my surprise still wants the big tree and all the decor. So with that I am still placing things around the house and trimming the trees hoping to finish by tonight.

Work in progress…

What are your holiday decorating traditions? Share…







Posted on by Gigi in Gift Guide Comments Off on HOSTESS GIFTS

Tis the season for parties! Bringing the hostess a thoughtful gift is nice gesture. I love flowers, but it is always awkward when a guest walks in and hands you a large bouquet of beautiful flowers, that need to be cut, arranged and placed in a vase. I have a tendency to run a bit behind when I’m entertaining, so to stop and do an arrangement is the last thing I want to do. Here are a few suggestions of hostess gifts I would love to receive.

I love tea, and a tin is always a nice gift and everyone can appreciate fine teas. One of my favorites is Paris by Harney & Sons.

Harney & Sons Paris Tea 8.00

I also love champagne. Veuve Clicquot yellow label is one of my favorites. At the holidays, you can find it in a nice gift box and at Costco at a slight discount.

Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label 52.

If you are a “bouquet of flowers”  type, give a nice succulent arrangement. Many florists, and nurseries do beautiful succulents or if you have a green thumb you can make your own.

Succulent Arrangement

Candles are always a welcomed hostess gift. Who doesn’t love a nice candle? There are so many to chose from and you can sometimes find nice ones at TJ Maxx and other discounters. I always look and when I find nice ones I stock up on them. I love Voluspa candles and you can find them here.

Voluspa Candles

If you know your hostess well a box of macarons is a nice gift, especially if it is a small gatherings and the hostess can share the macarons. My friend Blaine gave me a box and they were delicious, and I was happy to share them with the group, because I would have eaten the entire box! Lette Macarons.

Lette Macarons

Notebooks, journals, and pretty notes are always a welcomed gift. I still like to send handwritten notes and although I have all the gadgets, sometimes it is nice to take pen to paper and jot down thoughts. TJ Maxx always had a large selection of paper goods.


This is a fun notepad for the hostess with a sense of humor…

WTF Notepad

Happy Monday. I am going to be decorating today and will post pictures this week. I love Christmas!










Holiday Decor

Posted on by Gigi in Holiday Comments Off on Holiday Decor

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, the music, decorations, lights, parties, dishes, trees, poinsettias, eggnog, mistletoe, wreaths, ornaments, garland, snow, nutcrackers, and all the various traditions celebrated. Here are a few holiday decorating ideas I found searching on the web, perhaps you too will be inspired to tweak your holiday decor. Hopefully I will be done with my holiday decorating this weekend and will share the outcome.

Holiday Table Setting House Beautiful

Holiday mantel House Beautiful

wreath on a mirror Domino magazine

Pretty Domino magazine

silver Martha Stewart

cute napkins

Nice and Light HGTV




Happy Weekend!







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