An Ordinary Day...

Wednesday, April 12th started off as an ordinary day. The alarm sounded off at 6:00 a.m. like it always did. Reggie did his work day morning ritual, showering, grooming, selecting a suit and accessorizing with the perfect accents for Read more

Why are some people mean?

Why are some people mean? I'm not talking about a little mean, but bazaar, go out of their way to be mean. Recently I've encountered a few mean people, I remind myself that these situations will make me a stronger Read more


Our last trip of 2016 was to the Maldives. Last year was one full of excursions, We traveled to Cameroon, Paris, Bali, Hawaii, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Lake Tahoe, Atlanta, Napa, San Francisco, Dubai, and I must say Read more


It's okay to venture out of your comfort zone... Lately I've been doing it quite often. This weekend is going to be one of renewal, my personal Super Bowl. What are your plans? I will be working today and tomorrow. Happy Read more

Do you enjoy yourself?

Both of my kids are in New York, my son is in school in the Hudson Valley and my daughter is living in Brooklyn and working. So we are officially empty nesters, and have been so for a while Read more



Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 1 Comment

Came across this video and wanted to share it with everyone…when you have those moments when you feel you just can’t get it together, think about this piece and what are your blocks.. I’m distracted by random things instead of staying on point and I am good at making “lists” of things to do tomorrow.

I have problems with being consistent, which takes me off my plan of action. After watching this video, I called my friend and we did our 3 mile hill hike. I always feel wonderful after a workout and I know all the benefits, but sometimes it just does not happen.

I know some of us have the problem of not being consistent because we are perfectionists and that can be a block as well. I was at a seminar last week and the speaker said “Perfectionism is fear in expensive clothes”  I thought about that for a moment and how I admire those individuals that appear to be perfectionists, since I am not, and I realized that a lot of perfectionists have the same problem I have with consistency- not finishing the task because it is never good enough, or never taking a risk for fear it will not be perfect.



Today I got a late start and hence a late blog post today…but I’m learning I want to be CONSISTENT and that is what is important, little steps in the right direction.

Have a wonderful weekend-





I’ll never be a Size 2, Butt …

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 1 Comment

I’ll never be a size 2, Butt…

Nor would I want too, “butt” I do want to be the best “me” , and this post 50 body is a full time job. I recently stepped up my program and I am really eating clean, I am determined to drop 10 pounds, which would put me at my “market” weight, the one on my drivers license. I think menopause tries to play a cruel trick  on a women’s body by attempting to take away our waist and making everything a little plumper. It’s like my Mimi kitty, once she got spayed her little figure changed as well getting thick in the middle, and nothing else changed, same food, same routine.

My Babies...

My Babies…diva Mimi in the front



For me I noticed rather real or imagined that after my birthday, I gained a few pounds- granted I did go on vacation, had a little more wine than my usual, a few more desserts etc. and now I am paying for it…

So moving forward, the key is to recognize, acknowledge and put a plan into action and do the work! So this is what I’m going to do:

I don’t like the term “diet”, I like to think of it as my “lifestyle” since this is what I should be doing all the time. Eating natural food  in its natural state, drinking lots of water, juicing, and portion control- even to much of a good thing can backfire.

Bump up the workouts- cardio, cardio and more cardio, I’m digging the dance workouts, strength training and of course finish it off with some yoga or pilates.

I’m also wearing a fitbit device , which I am loving, it will definitely keep you honest. I had to get used to wearing a rubber “thing”, but I just mix it in with a few bracelets. Tori Burch has designed a fitbit bracelet, that I may have to splurge  on when it comes out.

gigi's fitbit

gigi’s fitbit

Tori Burch Fitbit

Tori Burch Fitbit

It is recommended that you get in 10,000 steps in everyday, so I will be working on that as well.

Of course we all have a little bit of vanity, yes I want to look nice in my clothes and without them too, but more importantly so many health issues are attributed to excess weight, even 10 pounds can make a difference especially on your joints.

So friends, what sort of things to you do to keep on track– do you find it difficult to stay in shape as those birthdays come and go? Share your techniques on keeping it together.



Happy Friday,

Xoxo, GIGI

Who Are You?

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, Well-Being 8 Comments

Browsing the net I came across this article about “Describe yourself in 5 words.” I thought long and hard and these are the words I came up with: WRITER, PHOTOGRAPHER, WIFE, MAMA & EVOLVING .



It was difficult to narrow my list down to only 5 words, I like to think of myself as this complex individual, and it would certainly take more than 5 words to describe moi. I realized that throughout my life these words would have changed numerous times. Growth and change are a part of life, it is what keeps us interesting. I thought about what others see me as compared to who I see…the public image versus the private one- or are they the same…well I think you all know I am an open book, I share everything, I’m very transparent almost to a fault.


Gigi @ 25

Gigi @ 25

Nov 18 1996

Nov 18 1996




Gigi's Graduation 2006

Gigi’s Graduation 2006

Gigi & Ele

Gigi & Ele


How would you describe yourself in 5 words? I’d love to know…

Happy Wednesday,



What does real strength look like?

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being Comments Off on What does real strength look like?
Gigi & Mom

Gigi & Mom

Today my mom is having surgery. I’m amazed at her incredible strength, she has endured 12 weeks of chemo, watched her daughter battle cancer, lost her only son to cancer, another daughter diagnosed a month ago, her ex-husband died of cancer and numerous friends over the years have battled this horrific disease. There is no rhyme or reason why my 83-year-old mom would “get it”…

This past weekend my mom went with my family to San Francisco, we went all over the city, lots of walking, you would never know by her attitude that she had all this “mess” hanging over her. She was a trooper. I’m so glad we had this time together.

I don’t have the answer to this disease, once again like a broken record–Live each day like there is no tomorrow! Don’t waste time being angry, Forgive and love…and do the best you can taking care of your body–exercise, eat well, and take care of the mental “you”.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness

Happy Wednesday,



Turn the HAPPY Dial up to MAX!

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 8 Comments

I don’t like to keep putting this kind of info into the universe, but I feel like this is one of those messages that come out of nowhere when you are watching a really good show and the screen goes blank – “we interrupt this program etc….”. Yesterday I was still numb, today my regular post was hijacked-

Believe it or not but on Wednesday, another sister was diagnosed with f-ing CANCER. I can’t even explain how I feel–TOO Much for my little family.

So this is what my family tree is looking like about now…

cancer tree

cancer tree

Oh, I almost forgot my other sister had a car accident on Wednesday to add to the already horrific news. She is OK, but her car is jacked up.

So yes, I’m a little nervous, but I just keep it moving, living each day to the fullest. Do I worry? Of course… Do I freak out going to the Doctor? Yes. Do I have panic attacks waiting for test results? Yes. CAN I DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? NO.


No time for madness, anger, cray cray’s, crazy, stupidity, envy, jealousy, negativity, meanies, haters,  basically no time for bull shit on any level.

Just looking for the “good” and doing the best I can each day, and lifting others up to the best of my ability…

Parked my car next to a field of flowers that were in the parking lot…made me happy…

field of flowers in the parking lot

field of flowers in the parking lot

So Friends embrace today and find little bits of happiness in random places…

Happy Friday,





Posted on by Gigi in Aging, My Closet, Well-Being 7 Comments


Came across this quote today, and really thought about how it applies to my life. For me the message was SIMPLIFY! “Start Subtracting”, get rid of the junk that is taking up space, both physically and mentally.

In a couple of weeks I will celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary and my 55th birthday, I really wanted to have a celebration/party of some sort, but as I began to plan it started to feel like a heavy weight was hanging over me. Some of my dearest friends were going to be traveling on the date I selected so that was a bummer. I received an invitation from another friend for a birthday party dinner cruise on the same day. My guest list was growing and getting a bit out of control, since it was going to be a birthday/anniversary celebration, there are so many that have touched our lives that I wanted to include, so my little house party was becoming an “event”.  My day to day life right now is pretty crazy, with all the driving I’m doing taking my son to all of his obligations, I had no time to properly plan anything, so I made the decision not to have a grand celebration and I feel great. I have no idea what I am going to do, other than it will be something simple, meaningful and intimate.

Normally this time of year I make my rounds to all the mid summer sales scoring deeply discounted treats, perhaps I’m maturing or I’m questioning how much stuff does one person need, but for some reason the desire is not there.  A few months ago I downloaded this app Stylebook, basically it is a closet organizer that keeps track of your “stuff”. You take pics of your items and put them in categories etc., by doing this I discovered how much stuff I have accumulated and that I need nada, matter of fact I have been getting rid of stuff and focusing on my lifestyle and what really serves me…photographer most days, and for shoots I wear black, and of course I need my workout clothes, jeans, and I love dresses for when I go out and pretty shoes, the rest I don’t need anymore. I have not worked in an office environment in over 5 years, so why do I have suits and work pumps taking up space? Why do I have things from 20 + years ago? Why do I have shoes that hurt, life is to short to walk around in shoes that cause pain.



Once good thing about driving all over southern Cali everyday, is I am able to go to the gym in between appointments, perhaps I will “subtract” a few pounds, which is always good. I find the older I get, working out is not an option, and the mental peace I get from my yoga practice is priceless. I am able to clear my mind, subtracting distracting thoughts and focusing on the future, working on my goals, personal and professional.

The next area I need to attack is being “connected” 24/7. Start having “time outs” from my i phone, i pad, laptop, kindle, fitbit, i pod, facebook, instagram, pinterest, and any other devices I may have forgot–so much time. The mystery of being unavailable is gone…I remember the days of a “dial” phone, and no call waiting and only a couple of area codes and how can we ever forget the “busy” signal? Yes, time to unplug a bit.

So think about subtracting “junk” from your life, once you start it is not that difficult, the letting go is so empowering!



Happy Thursday!





The “Men- All- Pause”

Posted on by Gigi in Aging, menopause, Well-Being 4 Comments

Odds are if you are old enough to remember this song, you are experiencing or have experienced “men-all-pause”. I have been pretty fortunate, my symptoms have been pretty minor. Never ever had a hot flash or a night sweat as of yet, but I have had my moments of unexplainable rage against those that I love and random strangers. My boobs have gotten bigger, and not just from being a little heavier, in my 20’s I struggled to fill an “A” cup, post babies I grew into a 34 B and as of last month, at my bra fitting by a bra fitting specialist no less I am a solid 32D!

my fav bra

my fav bra natori feather bra

My grays are getting a little more aggressive, but I don’t think I can blame that on “men-all-pause”, and wearing my hair “au natural” those grays are buried in a hay stack. My hair is thinner, but considering how thick it was growing up this is a good thing.

Gigi big hair

Gigi big hair


Now the face. Let’s just say I pay a lot more attention to lotions,  potions and all the magical creams I read about. I stop and read the ads about botox, fillers and have even cruised the websites. Right now I still like what I see for the most part, the “character” of me, the “grown and sexy” version. I can wake up and tell by looking in the mirror if I had that extra glass of wine or if I did not have my 64 oz minimum of water the day before.

hydrate always

hydrate always

love this stuff

love this stuff

Now for the body…I’m in a state of emergency. Me and my “butt” are at war! What used to work is not doing nada…The old me always had a little waist, but the “men-all-pause” is trying to snatch it away. The thighs are trying to catch up with the waist, trust me -not good and it is to hot to succumb to the dreaded power underwear ie. spanx, although I do have my stash for those “red carpet” moments. Yes, for the most part I practice a vegan diet, but the nuts, and other delicacies can do their damage too, a calorie is a calorie I’m just saynin’. So I have bumped up the workouts, I’m trying to shock this 54 year-old body, that is about to break the speed limit in a minute into submission. I am doing everything from the “rockin model workout”, “beach body ready”, “stacked”, “tread and shread”, “whipped” pilates, yoga, zumba, swimming, biking, you name it, I’m doing it, cause I ain’t going out like that!

it's pricy but I love my gym

it’s pricy but I love my gym

I’m at peace knowing and accepting that my pre-kidlet 22 year old body is a relic of the past, and I have no desire to be a size “0” or XS, however I do want to be fit and be the best that I can be, and I know I have to get out of my comfort zone and work a lot harder. I can’t worry about if I am the oldest person in the “rockin model” class, or if I can’t rock a bra top and a pair of lulu bootie shorts… I know the benefits of being active are so great and important for this next phase of life. No, it is not easy, my knees and joints don’t recover as fast, for the last couple of weeks I have been in a constant state of feeling as though I am recovering from a car wreck. My advice to the young-nins if you don’t have a good workout routine start and make it part of your lifestyle, if you are a little more mature like me, find something you like and be consistent and if you are already doing it–don’t ever stop, oh and by the way if whatever you are doing is easy, trust me it probably isn’t working.

Now please excuse me and my butt we have a workout to get to…

Happy Tuesday XOXO GIGI

What Could You Give Up?

Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being Comments Off on What Could You Give Up?

If given a choice what could you give up? Your hair? Breasts? Complexion? Lashes” Brows? Figure? Self confidence? Faith? Integrity? All of the above?






lashes & brows

lashes & brows



I asked myself that question yesterday. Most of us love our “physical self” we abide by the mantra “love yourself”, but what happens when the “self” is confronted with change? How do you continue to love as opposed to hating “self”? The body that betrayed you, and now is becoming a fragment of your previous self.

Tears Streaming

-nausea most likely

-day 14 – 17 hair gone

– white count down

-can’t have intercourse at this time

-metallic taste

-numb feeling

-once every 3 weeks

-everyday for 6 weeks

-the pill for 10 years

-no more babies

-early menopause

-don’t get pneumonia


Change is frightening. There is a lot I don’t know about, but what I do know is how to live. I do know how to shut down the petty bull shit and keep moving. I do know how to let stuff out and be vulnerable. I do know how to forgive and admit mistakes.

I embrace 100% of me, and it is the inner most parts that I would not want to give up. The exterior “pretty” parts are not ours to keep, they are fading each decade regardless of what you do to desperatly hold on to them…it is part of the life cycle. Those inner parts however, your soul and heart are what enables you to confront adversity and find strength to deal with whatever blocks your path, if you give up your soul, and faith you are jacked. The external markings can be replaced, bought, rejuvenated, but the soul-less person is lost-

So my friends happy Friday..

“Stay calm and carry on”!






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2014 Another Year to Welcome

Posted on by Gigi in My Life, Quotes, Thoughts, Well-Being Comments Off on 2014 Another Year to Welcome


I came across this quote and thought about how everyday could be the “beginning of anything you want”. Most  of us end the year reflecting about the previous 12 months and then start the new year off with a host of resolutions, you know the usual suspects, exercise program, lose weight, eat better etc. and then come February, March the backsliding begins.

2014 will be a busy year for me, I’ll be celebrating 25 years of marriage in some manner, my son will be returning from Italy, starting his senior year, and the college application process. My business is starting the year with 3 sold out events, most of my waking moments are spent planning all the details I’m so excited, and of course I will be posting all the details here. On a lesser note, I will be on an emotional roller coaster, being the rock for a family member who is about to embark on the biggest battle of their life. With all of that going on, I still plan to post my musings here, inspired by things that bring me joy, things that inspire me, things that put a smile on my face in even the darkest moments.

gigi's Black eyed peas

gigi’s Black eyed peas

Today I made black eyed peas, a New Year tradition that is said to bring good luck. I modify a recipe from Samuelsson Marcus that I love, it is african/indian inspired preparation and if you like spice, it is simply delicious. All I do is saute in olive oil instead of butter, use veggie stock instead of chicken broth, and I use whatever fresh pepper I can find locally.



I do have a few personal goals for 2014

1. Take as many beautiful portraits that I can-many I will be sharing here.

2. Look for that perfect little casita, maybe in the desert, or by the sea or up in the mountains…it is something we have always talked about, but this may be the year to start seriously searching and make it happen.

3. Do another triathlon- sprint of course.

4. Keep calm and carry on…

5. Give back and make a difference whenever I can…

6. Travel , Travel and Travel–Brazil, Turkey, Vietnam, Madagascar, and Bali are just a few on my long list of places I hope to see one day.

7. Lastly continue to work on being my authentic self. Remember my journey is just that- my journey, and sometimes my GPS gets twisted, but it always recalculates and gets me going in the right direction again.

Remember this is your BEGINNING…





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Posted on by Gigi in Well-Being 5 Comments


Yesterday my heart was at a loss of words, so my tears had to represent. They were the silent tears, not accompanied by the “ugly face” these were the ones that effortlessly slide down your face leaving make-up in tack. Lady like tears, the kind you could lightly dab with a tissue. I’m amazed at the human sprit and the hidden strength that exists in all of us, when confronted with adversity. To witness someone I love faced with a catastrophic illness with all its ugliness, I was in awe of my sister’s calmness and grace.

Although we are all here in the world of the living for just a moment, I think when faced with our impending mortality it can be debilitating. I’m at the age where shit is starting to happen to those I care about. It seems as if everybody I know has been affected by this M-F—ker who goes by the name of cancer. It is rampant in this country, and your have to wonder the why.

Is it stress? Diet? Inflammation? Genes? Environmental?

I guess if we knew the answer, that would be half the problem. I’ve seen it come after everyone from the most health conscientious, to those who live day by day with reckless abandonment.

Yesterday I realized we are just simple shells, and that these shells can be deconstructed, but as long as we can keep our “soul” in tack we will be OK. Our bodies can be manipulated, carved, cut, enhanced, banded, tucked, filled, but it is that inner core that is most important–the part that needs the most care.

My faith and the prayers of others blessed my family and I know everything is going to be fine. The events of this week, are yet another reminder of what is really important? Not being so dogmatic and judgmental. Guiding your life with love, and forgiveness. Acceptance of those who may differ from  you in their beliefs. And most of all taking TIME FOR SELF and being the BEST VERSION OF YOU that you can be…

Happy Thursday,





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